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8 Releases: Mystix Easter Party @ Canberra, Australia (1991-03-30 to 1991-04-01)
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
Mystix Vectorbobs Demo 1991-04-01 e Y P Tag  5285
Havoc Torture Demo Preview Demo 1991-03-30 a Y P no df1 / execute "kb" before demo n/a 14682
Decay The Simpsons Demo 1991-04-01 e Y P Tag  1a86aa96 1649
Insanity The Simpsons Demo 1991-04-01 e Y P Tag  e0ed3fb0 14539
Ability Rad Man's First Intro 1991-03-30 e Y P  f66405fc 14681
Majic 12 Mystix Party Pack 1 Pack 1991-03-30 d Y P Co  d0394260 14679
Mystix Easter Party Invitation Intro 1991 e Y P Tag no df1 c563724b 14274
Defjam Big Business Demo 1991-04-01 e Y P  b88baee9 1689