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7 Releases: AmiExpo 92 Berlin @ Berlin, Germany (1992-04-04)
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
Trygon Scanntro Intro 1992-04-04 e Y P  411e1315 8118
Deffpaccers Helter Skelter Slideshow 1992-04-04 d Y P coop with Paranoid 0e644baf 1469
Toxad Beginning Intro 1992-04-04 e Y P  c8ecf1c3 10957
Aliengroup Amiga 92 Demo Demo 1992-04-04 e Y P  17d52339 8792
Trygon AmiExpo 92 Slideshow Slideshow 1992-04-22 d Y P  aa3632e4 8115
Dytec AmiExpo 92 Berlin Party Pack Pack 1992-04 d Y P Co  fe5dfdef 8677
Dytec AmiExpo 92 Berlin Invitation Intro 1992-04 e Y P coop with Skid Row 467f82d2 9346