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9 Releases: Doom's Day Party 1994 @ Ettlingerweiler, Germany (1994-10-08 to 1994-10-09)
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
Abyss DisIsSid 1 Musicdisk 1994-10-09 e Y P  509cc86f 2088
Skid Row Doom's Day 94 Invitation Intro 1994-09-07 e Y P coop with DCS & World of Twist, ks2.0 396652a5 17522
Birdhouse Projects More Members Intro 1994-10-09 d Y P ks2.0 1bee41d3 13997
Ethic Teutonic Place BBS Intro Intro 1994-10-09 e Y P  42a8d794 17597
Bonzai Ragman the Game Game 1994-10-09 e Y P  22785cb0 2919
Haujobb Jammin Demo 1994-10-09 d Y P A Tag  3eed1517 13998
Shrimps Design Revelation Demo 1994-10-09 e Y P A no fast 3bba1d05 17581
Rebels Switchback Demo 1994-10-09 2d Y P A  0c8346a9
Rebels Switchback v1.2 Demo 1994-11-03 d Y P A uses disk 2 from the original version ddd4676c 14922