


Ind / ? / # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
12 Releases: Bamiga Sector 1 Copyparty 1989-11 @ Nestelrode, Netherlands (1989-11-18 to 1989-11-19)
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
Paramount Sinusscroller Intro 1989-11-18 e Y P  4d8b908e 11170
Cult Party Demo Demo 1989-11-19 e Y P  c6a01577 3362
Abandon Ozone Coding Intro 1989-11-19 e Y P  b2031d40 2078
Dexion Music Disk Musicdisk 1989-11-19 d Y P coop with Warfalcons & The Silents a33ab3de 1515
Paramount Megadisk Part 3 Demo 1989-11-18 e Y P  4294c5f9 11169
Flash Production Digital Concert 1 Musicdisk 1989-11 d Y P Cr  90438417 94
The Silents Danish Quality Demo 1989-11-18 e Y P Cr  4c91de46 7010
Wiz Cooperation Demo Demo 1989-11-19 e Y P coop with TFT f80b4d25 11743
Paramount Born Demo 1989-11-18 e Y P  2acde30f 15811
Cult Bob Demo Demo 1989-11-19 e Y P  0ef6de0c 3360
Humanoids Bamiga Sector 1 Party Intro Intro 1989-11-19 a Y P  n/a 11745
The Perfect Crime Bamiga Sector 1 Party Demo Demo 1989-11-19 e Y P  1abab60d 11747