/B /D /F /8 guess what?/4/0/2 /E we're back!!!/F /4 after holidays .
(well my "holiday" was working about /C12 hours a day../D) we're here with.
/Eour latest demo./F it's again icebreaker behind the keyboard typing in
some.thing weirdo.. first i must/A apologise/B all my contacts for the long
break. in my sendings but i just simply haven't had time for my amiga for a
cou.ple of weeks. but soon i'll quit my job and enjoy my life with/2 swapping.
(??)/4 ok,that's for it now. /2 i'll start typing something sensible. in
here... /8 hutaatahutaa lasna lashasa /4 no no what was that??. i don't
know... at this moment i am listening /E run-dmc's /F /2 ./C tougher than
leather /D /4 and i feel just like that. the summer here. in finland has been
extremely /2hot./4 and do you know anything better than. to drink cold /Cbeer/D
in a beach... /Eha ha haa!!/F last weekend was again very. typical (guess what i
did?? no i didn't code you/2 idiot...)/4 maybe or paice. becker is in the u.s.a
now. /2 thank god for it!! /4 here's our full mem.berlist: /C /8
icebreaker/4 /0/2 /D (swapping,coding) /8 ./E zados /4 /0/2 /F
(swapping,graffix) /8 becker /4 /0/2 . (swapping,nagging,"sensible"
man) /4 and our parttime-writer /8 . country-loki/4 (coding) also one
of our members is in the army now,. i mean /A /8 conan /4 /0/2 /B
(cracking and swapping on. the 64 only) /4 well there was the list.... well
so on. /E next party. we will visit will be bytelamers' party on
8.8.1988-15.8.1988./F personally. i think grendel smells shit but nobody can
help him (he has serious mental. problems). looking forward to the autumn; we
will visit some scandinavian. parties and maybe some german and dutch ones. just
give us a invitation. and we'll be there (maybe with our new pet,axa). as you've
already noticed,. no crazy texts this time. /Awhat a pity...?/B just because
we're /Ctougher than. leather.../D by the way,how do you like the musics?? i
think they're great!!. first one is tgm-crew's song for us and the second is
tjc's version of the. old 64-music "delta". and that reminds me from one thing:
we need /2 a music. programmer/4 and very soon. so if you're think you're /C
good /D at musics. then contact us right away. thank you. today it is my day
off and that's. good. but i still wonder why evil is so angry.... aaargh
there's so much. to do today so i won't write any more. enjoy the musics!!
bye,see you in. our next demo /E"party or die ii"/F icebreaker on 13.7.1988