's three o'clock at night and i've been coding for the last six
hours! but finally it's finished!!!! landscape ii credits for this piece
of shit.....coding and gfx by zantor music by andi and jkpt here's our
address...... aþ relax and enjoy the show!!!!!
meanwhile i'll just fuck around....c hi dr.gassu! thanx for the formula you
sent me!!! i really appreciate it although i didn't really get very much out of
it... i'd also like to thank aknoi for some cheap hw... thanx!! now school
starts again..... this time it's collage. i felt that i had to do a demo now
when hell starts again... while talking about schools it reminds me that i
happen to be sysop of a school bbs! here's some info... bþ you'll get rights by
telling me that you just love my demos!!cc and now a messy to andi... did you
have a nice time in ibiza? we poor people can't afford anything but a trip to
sweden. i hope to see some products from you soon anyway... damn! i almost
forgot our new members!! mr.lister is soon to become sysop of index's own bbs
and he's also a graphics artist. our second new member called the shadow and he
also claims to be a graphics artist and he also tries to convince me that he's
clever!ccc maybe i also should mention that we still are looking for more
members. so if you feel like joining then send some stuff you've made to our
hq!! if you don't feel like joining but still think that we are the coolest then
i suggest that you send some hot stuff to the hq along with your address... now
your brains are bored to death so let's cut the crap and awake all the suckers
out there who has fallen asleep!! wake up!!!!!!! it's greetingstime!!! mega
flippy hip hops dances out to...... amaze black monks cave crusaders
dictators dmob doom elite inc. excess exotic men gate ibb new
age phaze ioi prologic rsi securitate wizzcat now i'd better go and
get sum food... see ya!