vision factory presents football manager. we think the time is come to write
another intro.after a while of horrible confusion about some scrollings i found
the solution to create a charset without openfont loadfont and so on.i hope you
like some facts about us.our name is vision factory and the name of our
members are marco polo and erdinger.the average age of our group is twenty
five.i know we are oldies but sometimes oldies are goldies.oh before i forget it
somebody asked gandalf for our boot generator please send us your adress and we
will contact you. (what about software swapping?).now the greetings to twilight
(thanks for your software and your hints about the hardware of this machine)
hqc (very great intros) antitrax axxess sodan the movers tristar gandalf
flamingo star frontiers the light circle amigo and all we have forgotten
the best antigreetings to sca (all of your disks must be infected forever) and
to byte bandit (your idea to manipulate the trackdisk device is great but your
idea to write a virus is shit) if you will contact us for software or help by
programing intros write to vision factory plk 063042c 5000 koeln 91 . i think
that is all for today