


Spectral Finland - Sillisalaatti Party VersionDetailsCaseRow
Scroll Text
shit happens!! i have just coded world's biggest sinus-scroll and i don't know
what to write in it... maybe i should write some boring technical details..??
yep, this sine is 238 pixels high and in single buffer and overscan.. and last
but not least with one pixel movements. yep, thats true, it just looks like
something completely different so nobody believes it... ok, enough boring text
from elvis, so... so... so... let's have another writer!! ...hiippati huuppati!
do u know what time is it?   well, don't mind, me neither. (oh, i forgot to tell
ya, it's dr. d jumping on the keyboard.) i just arrived to elvis's place... it's
about 12 km from my place. i grabbed my bicycle at 2 pm and started the voyage
(by razor 1911). after a few km's i found out that my batteries of my walkman
were dead. great start. so i had to get in here without any music. :( .
naaah...too tired for writing...(haa, just found out how great mouse elvis has!
it has some weird boxes on the top of the buttons) but anyway, about 2 km's from
elvis's place, i noticed that my tire was flat! great! just what i needed... so
i had to walk in here. arf... ei jaxa... so now i'm safe in here, but how i'm
going to get home??? who knows.        hi... it's elvis here! i must say that
this scroll is one fucking timewarp-scrolla!! and why??? bcoz these different
scrolltexts are written now and then... i wrote the following text yesterday and
i'm sure that i write more text in assembly!! and ofcourse other ones write
too.... so.. whatsda record in longest scrolly?? j]nis siit].. ok, now the
'yesterday' scrolla!! .....yo.. it's once again elvis smashing the keys. now
because i'm veeeery bored!! i'm all the time trying to call a bbs, but someone's
in, so i naturally can't get in at the same time... i've tried to call it
atleast half hours!! i think that someone is leeching 'odyssey' from there with
24000bps!! arrrrrgh!! this is terrible.. my lovely asta2400supermodem is beeping
'busy'-signal.. and every 30 second it dials the numbers again.... (because my
asta doesn't get busy-signal so well.. i've heard that i could make it better in
that, but how????) i now have my feet on amiga's power supply, it keeps me
warm.. but who cares.. it's not even cold outside!! because it's summertime...
but sun doesn't shine!!! arrgh!! i hate these shitty days without sunlight..
well, it beats the rain, but is rain+sunshine better than no rain and no
sunshine?? who c.. - oh no.. shit happens once again!! i have eaten my candys..
they are all gone now! sniff... my life is hell!! i'm just waiting the connect
signal and i have no candy anymore. worst of all, i have to bore you too by
writing ultralame scrollies.. well atleast i can hope that you enjoy my intro..
i hope that i win introcompo in assembly and i get some more money for harddisk.
it's still 2 weeks to assembly. hard to wait. i have confirmation school before
the party, but that doesn't matter because my intro is ready (ofcourse i may get
crazy ideas, and code them also... but we'll see about that!). i had to change
confirmation-group to get to assembly. i know nobody from this conf-group!!
argh, but i get to assembly, yeah yeah! i hope i get to suomen lista!! but that
is almost impossible for me... well, somebody may think that my
hehtaari-238pixel-sinus-scroll is c00l and vote me, but if i get only one vote,
it means nothing!!! yeah, i got to da bbs!!!!! connect 2400!!! ok, i enjoy the
bbs now, and ill get back.... what the hell!!! previous caller was 6 hours in
this bbs!!! phew!!!! i'm just uploading preview of this intro to dr.d.. still
15kbs left (2400bps nolomotu is really slow!!)... oh shit!! i got the file
transferred, but for some reason the bbs hung up when i was writing a message..
now i'm trying to re-call to the bbs... connect 2400.. i must ask sysop whatsda
matter.. sysop told me that dmswin had crashed the machine and the previous
caller really was 6 hours in!! he uploaded larry v (old stuff, eh? but this isnt
100% piracy-board..) so that's why it took so long... oh no.. it crashed again!!
(i was half hours in the bbs before 2nd crash, but you can't see it in this
scrolly...) and now i am again trying to call it. well.. now i have nothing to
do and i keep again my feet on power supply. stregmatik, it is now colder than
before! now my mother is in phone, so i am not trying to call the bbs.. now she
went out, so i turn on my asta (click!) and press amiga-m to get to the ncomm
screen and i select that bbs from the menu.. well, the bbs now beeps empty!
strange.. i got there now!! connect 2400!! mutta j]nis siit]kin.. now this
scrolla ends..     .....that was the 'yesterday' scrolla...            now the
whole fucking sinus-scroller restarts.. read the writer...
Text Writer
*                  *
*     spectral     *
*    brings you    *
*                  *
* a megacool intro *
*  for introcompo  *
*   in assembly!   *
*                  *

this intro includes
 a new world record:

 this sinusscroller
is 238 pixels high!!

  if this isnt the
record, let us know!

*well.. atlast here*
* are the credits: *
*                  *
*coding       elvis*
*logo           zon*
*music     syndrome*
*this font razor???*
*rest of gfx  elvis*


   think positive

this could be worse!


call dr.d's cool bbs

open. 22-07. finnish

 dr.d is our member
 but janislandia is

and to contact us by
 mail, write to zon

 zon/spectral (whq)
   sakylantie 665
  21330  paattinen

 coming in the next
pages is swap-addys!

*2 contact coder of*
*this intro... also*
*  for swappinx..  *
*                  *
*  elvis/spectral  *
*   ansapolku  2   *
*  70910  vuorela  *
*     finland!     *


  dr.d of spectral
     oksakuja 2
 71850  leppakaarre

 also music stuff!!

* by the way, this *
*  tune is called  *
*reggae nightmares.*
*                  *
*and i like it very*
*      much!!      *
*                  *
*thanks, syndrome!!*

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Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.