


Paradox - No ExitDetailsCaseRow
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yeah!!!   paradox presents another cool  crack called  ... no exit ...  cracked
by the surge on: october 9 -1990    and now something that is long overdue, a
look onto a curious group known as "angels".  this is a group run by the most
ugly looking frenchman ever seen, the white tiger. about 40 years old,
unemployed, dirty, and living in a shit filled shack about the size of my
closet!!! with him, is the most ugly looking women in all of france !!! and
living together with them, a dirty little boy (not their child, just some little
trash runaway no doubt patrick found on the street), running to and from the
shops every day in his little wheel barrow !!! another curious lamer member to
mention is malzam, germany lamer number one, kicked out of paranoimia cause his
lame shit bbs sucked !! and then we have the big belgian waffle zak, another guy
who seems to have no apparent job in the group (except maybe selling his mother
to help angels buy some new cracks from hoan!), not to mention about 20 other
no-name lamers who do positively nothing. so what holds this lame group
together? the answer is buying cracks from hoan!  this is not rumour, this is
fact! as told to us by several lamegels members themselves!!! so don t call us
liars !!! how can a group that buys cracks (most of which don t work!!!!) call
themselves "competition" ??? i dunno! but here is the answers ...  angels is
held together by the glue of bullshit, and the sealant of money!! so thats a
quick indepth look at lamegels, and now a message to patdick (the white tiger) ,
we have one essential suggestion for you, to improve your lifestyle, walk out of
that shit filled shack into the daylight once in a while !!! and get a real job
you welfare taking mooch off society !!! waste of a person!!!    -   p   a   r  
a   d   o  x  -   also patrick,  if you want to keep your life, don t show up at
the microshow !!! and also, you threaten us with the police ??? we don t stoop
so low as that, but we will stoop down to help you pick up your teeth at the
microshow !!!!                              we now have a message in french
since you big lame waste shit patrick can t read english so here is a little
message in your own language, we hope you are not illiterate in your own
language you lame fuck patrick  avant de commencer,je previens les autres mecs
qui vont lire ce message que se ne va pas etre de la litterature mais plutot des
insultes!!! et si nous employons tous ces mots c'est juste parceque une certaine
francoise de chez angels a appelle olivier a 3h00 du matin en guelant des
insultes !!! donc tout ceci n'est que provocation! et si la guerre est la! et
bien c'est juste parceque pendant la periode dete paradox etait en vacances etc
etc angels ont release beaucoup de cracks (dont la moitie ne marchent pas) et
disaient que paradox etaient lame, et allez mourir...donc apres ca nous membres
de paradox avons bien rit de angels car nous etions de retour et crackions tout
les originaux ecepte the spy who loved me que nous navions meme pas,donc c'etait
facile eh!!!! et donc la chose na pas ete appreciee et la pute mappella,et la
demo vint... ce message est en francais au cas ou tous les horribles membres de
angels ne comprendrais pas ce qui a etait dit precedement etant donne que les
membres de angels ne sont pas allez suffisament loin a l'ecole pour apprendre
langlais... ...enfin bref dans ce texte nous allons parler principalement de
l'horrible patrick , du petit con willy et de leur pute francoise   enfin
patrick pour ton age tu mas lair bien con!!! comment peux tu payer a hoan de
quartex des cracks qui ne marchent meme pas???? tu es vraiment stupide!! en tout
cas ta pute parle beaucoup au telephone mais bon elle ferait mieux de se
renseigner a qui elle parle avant d'emmerder les gens a 3h00 du matin!!! tu n'es
pas au cinema !!! mais si tu veux de l'action comme au cinema et bien tu n'auras
qu'a venir au salon de la micro est ouvrir ta grande gueule !!! tu as 40 ans et
tu reste toute la journee a la maison avec les 2 autres abrutis entrain de
copier de                                         aradox qui avaient des membres
au danemark , qu'est ce que tu nous branches avec tes merdes!! ton autre cracker
est en belgique tu sais michel ,ex cracker de the band, et tous les autres comme
zak,malzelame etc etc!!! gros con!!! tu sais vraiment pas se que tu dis!!! enfin
je vais arrettez la car tu ne vaus pas la peine que je continue!! tu nous fait
pitier , et je ne dis pas ce que tu veux faire,tel que donner nos adresses au
flics etc etc... c'est lame!!! enfin bref!!  tchao lamer!!!     signe . olivier
et spirit of paradox the french and world leading group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       
sleepy hollow   703 276 0724         involuntary death  708 599 1537     
hallowed ground in denmark  +45 4343 9398      middle earth   801 882 4215     
the jungle   708 983 5764      paradox canada   418 843 5174              hope
you like this small intro wich is is only {23k{ long       well u to stop       
      s goodbye s
Text Writer
paradox are back!!
contact us on
these adresses
for the latest wares
postbox 560
2620 albertslund
bp 110
7700 mouscron 1
p.o. box 2221
bridgeview, il
60455 usa
contact also

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.