complex presents " more bobs " p2 we
pushed it harder and harder and finally reached k.
s. 2 bobs p–s. but lets start ...
k. 150 animated
bobs pú credits :
coding by arnold, noise, fonts and logo by rubberbrain .
if you think bobs are not realtime .....
let there be a sinusdesigner so you can confirm yourself .
k. s. instructions :
press -right mouse- to move up and down and -left mouse- on
four special functions ( try em out ) -both- to exit . s.
before starting your bobby demo ( wont you ? ) please note : every
bob is in different phase and all bobs are masked, so there .
if u want to contact us ... s. aki, kasakkamaent 26 a 6, 15830 lahti,
finland . s. special greetings to following groups :
aces & piranhas - acu - alpha flight - amiga industries & freedom force -
avenger - avirex - black monks - cascade - cosmos - d.o.c. - escape - fairlight
- freestyle uk - ipec elite - kefrens - north star & silents - phenomena -
phoenix - sargon & beastie boys - scoopex - setrox - share and enjoy - sinners -
spreadpoint & defjam & ccs - the band - the lawbreakers - the supply team &
tartan army - threat - timelords - trilogy - tsk crew - vision factory - wizards
inc. now following normal greetings : 7th heaven - abyss - ac/dc -
action force - adducers - amiga force - anthrax & highspeed - arcane - arise -
atomic - avalanche - beyond force - brainstormers - byterapers - chad - cartel -
chaos - clones - condex - crionics - critters - crowded house - crusaders -
cryptoburners - culprits - d-tect - d.r.i - daylights - deathstar - demons -
ecm - ecf - election - epsilon - fbw & ivory - flash - fun and function - gate -
genesis - ghostriders - high voltage - horizon - ids - image 2100 - imp 666 -
impact - it - italian bad boys - lazer - lords of conquest - madness - madonna
association - magic - mirage int - nemesis - new line - new style - nlt -
northern lights - pentangle - pseudo-ops - public sector - rebels - robot
session & strange 42 - sos - sanxion - savage - sceptre - scy - secret force -
shadow light & level 4 - silver hawks - starlight - strike force - team-x - the
astral lightnings - the electronic artists - the inner circle - the link - the
roman impoters - the round circle - the unborn group - the untouchables - tnt -
trash - triangle - wanton - wizcat - wnc - wod int - x15 crew - zenith
its over, sorry if you was not mentioned . must go now, we are hungry !
signed : arnold and mic dair in july 1989