


Master Crew - New IntroDetailsCaseRow
Scroll Text
............................................... yo man!! master crew and
elimination presents a new intro.   credits...  coding by      intermaster    
û  logo by      hell angel     û fonts by     dr. venkman     û and this nice
tune is composed by    the inspector   û at first some instructions to you!
press right button to stop scroller! turn joystick left or right to control the
stars! by the way my name is intermaster. messy to cannibal... hello lamer!
lamest in finland?  and messy to gay young... hi shittalker! new shittalks `bout
me?   yo man! i don`t type anymore, `cos other guys have much to say... whooaah!
yes, you are right. it`s dr. venkman writing now. i start with messages. tos of
dynasty... your comix in crazy comix 3 woz cool! sensei of top swap... thanx
about cool sendings! rat of black monks... waiting for your package...  and msg
to lamer called cannibal... put sausage into your ass and be quiet! got it?
there were the msgs. let`s see who`s the lamer writing text next! joke only, eh
heh.. bye! yeeaah... hell angel is here. msgs to... cray of celtic... send me
some of your demos. tos of dynasty... always cool sendings. microchip of tacs...
thanx `bout all of your muzak disks and other stuff. sml of brainstormers...
thanx for goodies and stuff. end of msgs. now i stop writing. bye! 
well...hello, freaks! this is shark speaking. muaohh! first i`ll send some msgs!
nemesis... send my disk back immediately, or you will get really bad hellos in
next intro or demo!! maybe you don`t know, that nobody else than you have never
stolen my disk!! be happy `coz i don`t tell your address and name in this demo!!
maybe in next demo!!  and then little funnier text... it`s time for master crew
and elimination greetings!!! here they come:           accession  $  action
force  $  agents  $  alpha flight  $  amiga force  $  avalanche  $  avenger and
double density crew  $  bad boy boogie  $  belgian brains  $  beyond force  $ 
bionic force  $  bit busters  $  black monks  $  blasters  $  bolero  $ 
brainstorm  $  brainstormers  $  browbeat  $  brute force  $  byterapers  $ 
chaos and slipstream  $  choppers  $  cocoon  $  complex  $  crime  $  crusaders
 $  cryptoburners  $  damage inc.  $  ddt  $  darkness  $  dcs  $  ddc  $ 
deathstar  $  defcon 1  $  dexion  $  dragons  $  druids  $  dual crew  $ 
d-tect  $  dynamics  $  dynasty  $  elc  $  electronic artists  $  exocet  $ 
fas  $  fcg  $  finnish bit wizards and ivory  $  flash prod.  $  foft  $ 
freedom force and amiga industries  $  freestyle u.k.  $  fulcrum  $  future
wave arttech  $  game force and public sector  $  gate and exec  $  genius  $ 
geswapo  $  ghostriders  $  horizon  $  hypnoosis  $  impact inc.  $ 
inquisitors  $  ipec elite  $  irongods  $  it  $  kefrens  $  lsd  $  mad max 
$  megastars  $  megapower  $  michael  $  microwave  $  mind crackers  $ 
mirage int.  $  multitrade  $  mystix  $  new federation  $  new order  $ 
nukebusters  $  oversize of asia inc.  $  panzerfaust  $  phaze 101  $  phoenix 
$  rebels  $  red sector  $  rks  $  robot session  $  ryne soft  $  sceptre
u.k.  $  scotland yard  $  s.e.c.r.e.t.  $  sepia soft  $  setrox  $  sfc  $ 
share and enjoy  $  skyline  $  software of sweden  $  solid  $  soy  $ 
sunriders iceland  $  suplex  $  storm  $  tacs from turkey  $  tarkus team  $ 
tartan army and the supply team  $  team-x  $  the band  $  the demons  $  the
hitchickers of australia  $  the new generation  $  the starfighter  $  top swap
$  tlc  $  track 31  $  trilogy  $  unique  $  vanguard  $  vision  $  vortex 42
 $  wizzcat  $  x-beat  $  x-men  $  zombie boys  there was all, i think. and
then i ,shark , will send personal hellos to mad lord! we have many same
hobbies, and he is very nice guy! once i speaked with him on the phone three
hours, and a few days later two and a half hours!!! he is really cool dude,
waiting for phonebil! call me, anyway! hellos to all master crew and elimination
members, too!! i almost forgot.. iceman of oversize of asia inc.: why do you
still have four my disks?! i can`t believe that you could be a disk stealer!!
so, don`t let me think like that, and send faster in future!! bionic force, send
some new stuff if you are still alive! and then some megafucks from eku to dream
circle lamers! they are disk stealers, too. little note more: charm!! do ya
think that thunder cat`s traffic accident was nice?!?! i am not intrested about
your war against thunder cat, and don`t ever talk about it to me!! while ago i
noticed, that you are just little fucking whelp!! please, do not ever call me
again, if ya do not change!!! the joe sends one message to vanguard: send my
diskback now!! all guys send  n e w  stuff, or die!! that was the joe`s message.
well... i will give this scroll to someone else. all addresses are coming after
demo!! bye freaks, and take contact soon!    hello! this is the inspector
typing...well...first message to time traveller of cryptoburners...keep on your
cool muzak! i really liked the "magnetic fields" (your remix) msg to panther of
chaos...sorry about mega delay!........if you want to rip this tune, rip it!!!
simple? name of this song is   "skies on fire"   ûi hate to write long
scrollytexts, so see ya later!!! this is boba fett typing this scroll... now
some messages: 1. defcon one      hi fox! hope that you see this message! i sent
you some stuff some weeks ago but the stuff came back!!!! so please send me your
address and if possible send some new stuff!!!!!  2. fulcrum   hallo jan!!  
hope ya like this demo!! thanx for allways so fucking fast sendings and cooool
stuff!!  3. elias (spain) hola!!!!! i think that good contacts are great, but
great friends are even better!!!   4. clones   terve ooze! mites menee??? voisin
laittaa teille vahan fuckingseja mut mielummin ma laitan teillekin greettaja!!! 
 5. ghostriders   hey jackmix!   here is our demo hope you like it!! and send
faster or have you been on vacation??6. deathstar      suicide!      et kai sa
oo delannu?? missa on mun diskit???  see ya on the next copy-party!!! no more
those messages so let`s write sum bullshit!!  exept a big hello to my friend
time traveller of cryptoburners and thanx for your great st-07 and the cool
music disk!! my stupid cousine captain carlsberg will soon come to type this
text... oh shit! there he comes with his ugly face! wait a secong, i go to open
the door...  yes here i am again... some of our contacts have asked that who are
reckless boys??? here is the answer: reckless boys are me (boba fett), captain
carlsberg and blasphemy!!! (blasphemy was called the dick but he changed the
name (stupid guy!) the old name fits perfectly and we are just like the other
members of master crew and elimination!!! now i give the keys to captain
carlsberg for a while... okey piss off boba fett my turn to conquer the world...
i quess poppis has told everything (and if not he will!) i don`t type anymore.
boba fett signs off...

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.