


Colapse - Techno IntroDetailsCaseRow
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welcome stranger!     colapse is presenting a new intro to the partyfreaks at
the sb23c bash !   credits for this #techno intro# goes to the beast... and no
more, because he did the code, the gfx, and the sfx too...!    colapse members
at the moment:  the beast - crm - butterfly.      we greet the following
groups...     soc.brigade - live act - 23c - trsi - majic 12 - muffbusters -
cerberos - fi-re crew - dection - black art - rrt - red tracks - design house -
lamer crew - triumwirat - faces   and the other hungarian groups.....          
and now after the usually text, some messages to several people...   let's go
on!     adt/soc.brigade - great sh code, but why it doesn't run on 512k
machines?   anyway congratulations on the 720th issue! can you send me the first
719 ? (6!-1)     mucsi/muffbusters - very nice amoeba game! i hated it sooo
much...      absurd/23c - i think, your articles in sh are very bad, but your
demos are quite well coded...      jean/trsi - it is nice to be in a world
famous group ?      comiga/sb - the best coder on earth is a member of
soc.brigade?  yeah!        mad - i like vw bug very much, but i hate stupid
drivers...        avantage/majic12 - how are you my friend?         
???face/lamer crew - quite well designed demo, keep on your good work...       
bear/guru - meditation?  why did you removed the mj12 intro from rattle copy 4.0
pro ?        raize/live act - when will live act become a famous crew?        
readysoft - i think, you will be a great programmer after five years of elte. 
but now ?         rack/majic12 - why are you only the 6th on the eurochart? i
can't understand...          design house - great anti-comiga source in guru!   
                   and no more!   (vectors?)        well, what can i say at the
end of this intro?              nothing...   sitting target       sitting
waiting.....       (martin lee gore)

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.