


Culture - Little Small Tiny IntroDetailsCaseRow
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feel the power !!!   w–      another production from       c u l t u r e     
wd      credits for this little (small(tiny)) intro...         coding by exeter 
         cool techno-house sound by amadeus         and graphix by ss
soldier.....           fast greetings goes to (not in any special order)    
live act  -  damones  -  fun factory prod.  -  grace  -  damage inc. sf  - 
crime devils  -  f.o.f.s.  -  digital artist inc.  -  addicts  -  simplex inc. 
-  complex  -  calibra  -  chrome  -  dual crew  -  troubles  -  dark millenium 
-  bronx  -  fi-re  -  elysion  -  deadline  -  falcons  -  acume  -  solution 
-  byterapers  -  stellar  -  zeroline  -  infinity  -  invasion  -  zenon  - 
celtic frost  -                  contact us...               amadeus of culture
(hq)           perakatu  14      wÈ     15300   lahti     wÈ         or       
    ss soldier of culture            ristkarinkatu 2 b 22  wÈ     15170   lahti
    wÈ         or            eazy-j of culture            jaani nupponen    
wÈ      kaarmeniement. 24 a1  wÈ        78200   varkaus    wÈ         and all
these in       finland        wÈ       if you are        c o d e r       ,     
 gxf-artist       or       good swapper      then contact amadeus....           
    cultures official member list:        amadeus  ( music wizard , swapper , hq
)   -   exeter  ( coder )   -   ss soldier  ( gfx-artist , swapper ,
modem-trader )    -   eazy-j  ( friendship swapper )   and last, but not least  
 dalos  ( musician ) .....                       ok...       and now,    just...
        enjoy the music !!!!  wú                     restarts.....

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.