Program: Fortune V1.0
Files: Fortune_V1.0, Fortune.INDEX, Fortune.DAT, README.TXT
Author: MvA of Da Bagger Production Posse
Co-authors: A lot of people contributed the quotes. Too many to mention
Date: 4 october 1994
Requirements: KickStart 2.0, some memory (not much!), preferably a hard-disk.
Short guidance:
Just like the UNIX-version, this program will give you a 'Quote-Of-The-Day'
every time you start it. I even used the UNIX datafile for it.
The program should be called in your Startup-Sequence, User-Startup or
Shell-Startup, whichever you like best.
The two datafiles (Fortune.DAT and Fortune.INDEX) must be in your current
directory, the program directory or the S: directory. It's your life, so it's
your choice.
Do not crunch the datafiles; if you PowerPack them and use PPPatch or some-
thing similar, the whole file will be loaded and decrunched every time it is
needed. Even if you have a 68060, it still takes time to decrunch 640Kb!!!
As you might have guessed, this program is intended for hard-disk users.
Floppy-only folks are still encouraged to put 'Fortune' with their data-files
on their favourite bootdisk!
I advise you NOT to read the quotes with a text-editor or something similar.
It would definitely spoil the fun of this program! Anyway, I did some simple
crypting on the data-file, to keep your eyes away from it.
There are about 3888 quotes in the datafile, which should be enough for 1994
and 1995.
Fortune is 'Inverted ShareWare'; that is, if you DON'T like this program,
donate 25 dutch guilders, or the equivalent in any other currency, to:
Almalaan 2
3431 GX Nieuwegein