---------- Welcome to the SEKA V3.2 instructions (final) ----------
Welcome to the SEKA V3.2 instructions, first the old instructions
(if you aren't familiar with my old SEKA V3.0).
Old SEKA V3.0 instructions:
The SEKA V3.0 is based on the SEKA V1.5 not the SEKA V2.1 by MFC.
Anyhow this version supports all SEKA V2.1 commands. The upgrade
programming was done by Promax of Kefrens. This is not a course
in how to use the Seka, only a upgrade instructions to the new
Summary of SEKA V2.1 improvements supported by SEKA V3.0:
1. Workspace:
Pressing return by accidence when you are asked 'WORKSPACE>'
allocates normaly ( 0 kbytes user memory ). Pressing return
by accidence will now just repeat the question.
2. Write Object:
When writing an object code you are asked to enter a mode.
Type the letter c and your object code will allways be loaded
into the chip-ram when loaded from the cli. This insures that
bitmaps and copper list will work on a machine with memory
3. Execute:
Typeing '@' enables you to executes a command on the disk,
like in the CLI. Please note that the CLI command RUN must
be present in the c-directory. You use it like this:
EXECUTE>Type DF0:SekaV3.0txt
The output from this command is of course directed to the Seka
window !! Not like in the SEKA V2.1 in the AmigaDOS window.
4. >Extern and y:
Typeing the command 'y' execute all >EXTERN commands in your
source code. The extern command is used in stead of the 'ri'
command. Type in your source code:
10 >EXTERN "filename",start [ , length ]
start = where to load the file
length = the desired load length. If you want to
the intire file in its default length,
skip the length indication.
The start and length pointer may be both labels and direct
pointers or a mixture of both. If you use labels you must
offcourse remember to assemble before typing 'y'.
5. Look in source:
The 'L' command doesn't differ between lowercase and uppercase.
6.Hyper fast scrolling:
Press CTRL+A and you scroll up 100 lines. Press CTRL+Z and you
scroll down 100 lines.
Summary of SEKA V3.0 improvements not included in the SEKA V2.1:
1. Copy (debugged):
The line command 'c'-copy is fixed, there were a bug in
the two way copy selection, that made the Seka destroy the
copied data.
In earlyer SEKA versions pressing return accidentialy caused
a system crash! This error is corrected.
2. Fill (debugged):
Like the Copy command pressing return caused a systemcrash.
3. Copy Link file:
The copy link file commando 'CL' had the same error as fill.
4. Breaking Seka commands:
Pressing Ctrl+C breaks any Seka action. In earlier Seka
versions, it was not possible to break the directory function.
5. Chip, Fast or Abs memory:
This function enabels you to specify your program memory type.
If you are making programs with copperlists ect. that requers
chip-ram, type a 'c'. If you want your code in the fast-ram
if you got any type 'f'. Typing 'f' or just pressing return
allocates memory as usual. (default for Seka V1.5).
These options were also avarialbe on the Seka V2.1. The new
achevement is the Abs-mem option. Typing an 'a' enables you
to type in the address where to allocate the user memory --
where to put your programs.
6. Friendly Directory:
Using the 'v' command waited a long time before it printed the
directory. This is corrected, and the names is printed out as
soon as they are loaded, one by one.
7. Assemble-Optimize:
The line command 'a'-assemble with the Option 'O'-optimize
specified had two bugs. Before BRA when optimized became BR.SA
instead of BRA.S and a BRA.L were not made into a BRA.S to
check if this shorter range were possible. These errors are
now fixed.
8. Repeat last line.
Pressing CRSR-UP repeats last line like usual, but tabs are now
repeated like a normal char.
9. Write Block.
Pressing CTRL+W in the editor (write block) didn't work. Now
this function is fixed. Mark your block as usual, in stead of
pressing CTRL+C (cut block) press CTRL+W. You will not be
faced with the prompt FILENAME>. Type a name and your block
is saved at the disk.
10.Hunt in memory:
The old line command 'h' is moved and is now called '=', this
has made space for a new command called 'h'-hunt. This is
a hunt in memory command. Try to type:
BEGIN>$40000 (address or label)
END>$50000 ( ---- )
DATA>"hello",$A (string in ascii or bytes seperated
with: <space> or , or + )
If you by accidence have searched for data that occures a lot
of times in memory. The hunt command can be breaked by pressing
11.Print command:
Typeing '?' in the SEKA V2.1 printed the hex, dec and bin value.
Now this version also prints the ascii characters.
12.PAL & NTSC:
This version of the SEKA features automatic PAL and NTSC selection.
If you start up in PAL the window is automatically opened at full
256 lines.
13.Edit window:
Pressing ESC activates the edit window. Now a bigger edit window
is given to you. In pal = 22 lines ( ntsc = 19 lines ). Now
this could cause a problem because a 'q' in memory displays 8
lines and this bigger window deletes some of these lines. To
solve this problem I have given the key just below the ESC key
marked ` a new function. Pressing this key opens a smaller edit
window pal = 13 lines ( ntsc = 10 lines ). In the editor this
key is back normal, so you can still use the character ` in your
14.Edit scrolling:
Pressing the shift together with one of the cursor keys, scroll
the edit display one full screen up or down. This function can
also be achieved by pressing CTRL+E (up) or CTRL+X (down)
15.One hand editing:
In the editor it is now possible to do mark-block, cut block and
paste-block with the same hand. CTRL+B = mark block. CTRL+C =
cut block. CTRL+F or CTRL+P = fill/paste block.
16.Rotating block:
You have typed something, that is in exatly the wrong order.
(the first line should be the last ect.ect.). Mark the desired
block and press CTRL+R to rotate this block.
17.Lowercase block:
Mark a block and press CTRL+L. All text is turned into lowercase.
18.Uppercase block:
Mark block and press CTRL+U. Uppercase again.
19.Copy block:
Mark block and press CTRL+X, the block is now copyed and you can
paste it every where.
20.Delete EOL:
Press CTRL+D and the line is deleted from the cursor to the end of
21.Go to top of text:
Press CTRL+T and you are at the top line of your source.
22.Look in editor:
Looking with the 'l' command finds text in you source. Now this
function can be executed while editing. Press CTRL+J in the
editor if you want to look for the same text once more.
New features in SEKA V3.2:
1. New super fast editor scrolling and updating.
2. SHIFT+UP/DOWN arrows and CTRL+A/Z is optimized, jump more than
1000 lines/sec!!
3. A bug in CTRL+J (repeat searching) is fixed. And this routine is
also optimized. The speed is now more than 2000 lines/sec.
4. In Seka V3.0 HELP jumped 100 lines down + '~'. HELP in editor mode
is now displaying a CTRL+key help text in the menu-bar.
5. CTRL+T jumps to top and toggles to bottom if the cursor is positioned
on the first line in the editor (Doing this does of course not
result in loosing a cutted block)
6. Mark Block functions are now included on the F-keys.
Pressing SHIFT F1-F10 makes a mark
Without SHIFT F1-F10 jumps to mark
7. CTRL+G jumps to an other type of mark:
Eg. Type ;; in your source, at the start of one or more
Now press CTRL+G. The editor will now jump to the
next place in your source which reads ;;
8. CTRL+R rotate has changed its place to CTRL+Y, leaving space for
a search+replace routine. Pressing CTRL+R activates a new feature:
input in the menu-bar. You are met with the text:
Search for :
Replace with :
Just try it..
9. CTRL+Q continues Search+Replace.
10.CTRL+S searches for text, like the 'L'-look line command. Text is
entered in the menu bar like the Search+Replace feature. To
continue searching for the same text press CTRL+J as usual.
11.CTRL+X unmarks block.
12.CTRL+K tells which registers you use in a marked block. You must
beware that this routine doesn't check your subroutines and rom
calls. It only perform a normal text search. But it ignores text-
strings and labelnames.
13.V-Dir now displayes the disk path name, and more charspace are
available for each filename.
14.=M meets you with the question:
Type the amount and press return. More workspace is now added.
15.=L nn, indicates number of lines in editor window.
eg. =L 28 (28 lines)
16.Typing '!'-quit confronts you with three options:
Exit or Restart (Y/N/R)?
Typing 'R' results in restarting the seka, instead of re-loading
it again.
17.The ?-print command now print 32 bits seperated in 8 bit blocks.
18.ALT+SPACE jumps to the beginning of the next word.
19.Lines more than 74 chars long doesn't jam the display, instead the
char 'ยป' is displayed at the end.
20.RS, WS - Read/Write track. RT, WT-Read/Write track reads a track.
One track is 11 sectors. You are confronted with the text:
21.CC - Calculate checksum. PLEASE notice that all direct disk access
is directed to df0:
22.RO - read objekt is included.
23.At the command line CRSR+UP/DOWN does not only repeat the last
entered text, but the last 16.
24.Seka can now be executed from the Workbench
25.File length is now not only displayed in DEC, but also in HEX.
26.H-hunt can now search for both bytes, words and longwords.
eg. BEGIN>$fc0000
DATA>1234.l 'Hello' 34.w LABEL.l
If you dont type anything byte size is default.
27.Cut, Fill, Hunt breaks if nothing is typed, then you are asked to do
so. This prevent crashes.
28.Writing to a disk with not enough diskspace, doesn't cause an
unvalidated disk. But leaves a deleteable file.
29.SHIFT+CRSRLEFT/CRSRRIGHT Beginning/End of line.
30.Output from the execute CLI command is again directed to the
AmigaDOS window.
31.Z-zap now always has to be confirmed. If you by accidence types
Z instead of A no lines are deleted. And if you are zapping more
than 20 lines no printing is done.
32.A configuration function is included. In your startup-sequence
you type:
eg. SEKAV3.2 \F\300\R\DF0:SOURCE\^
This will automatically allocate 300 kb fastmem, read the file
source from DF0: and enter the editor "^" = ESC.
Short summary of control commands:
CTRL+A ; 100 lines up
CTRL+B ; Mark block
CTRL+C ; Cut block
CTRL+D ; Delete to end of lines
CTRL+F ; Paste block (fill)
CTRL+G ; Go to special mark ;;
CTRL+J ; Cont. Search for text (jump)
CTRL+K ; Show registers.
CTRL+L ; Lower case
CTRL+O ; Insert line
CTRL+P ; Paste
CTRL+Q ; Cont. replace
CTRL+R ; Replace
CTRL+S ; Search
CTRL+T ; Top/Bottom
CTRL+U ; Upper case
CTRL+W ; Write block to disk
CTRL+X ; Unmark block
CTRL+Y ; Rotate block
CTRL+Z ; 100 lines down
Authers note:
This is a new upgraded version of the SEKA assembler. The key
word in this seka is SPEED. The lousy editor, has been removed.
Use the cli-command Add44k or Add21k (onebpl) if you want more
programming space (not speed this time). If you don't want the
CLI to be disabled while using the SEKA just type "RUN SEKA" in
your startup-sequence. Some helpful keypressions are:
LeftAmiga + M = Seka Screen in front
-- + N = AmigaDOS in front
-- + B = Requester Cancel
If you have any comments or bugreports on this new Seka V3.2
please write to:
Kefrens, Poste Restante, 3450 Alleroed, Denmark