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hello and w²elcom¹e to another cool intro by the . suxx for ever-force .     -
c o m¹ p l e x - !!   . life is a . bitch . and so w²e w²ill give you . the
credits... . code done by . -crash- . graphics painted by . -open eyes- .and.
-artifex- . chip-tune arranged by . -stargazer- . ok.... now² w²e w²ill have
tim¹e to entertain ya w²ith . som¹e funny crap! .lets go...     . yep w²e
w²ill begin w²ith a toilet report by m¹ike d. . i w²ent to the toilet and
first thing i noticed w²as . that i forgot m¹y dam¹n! tow²el and thats the
problem¹... . atleast as i got 100 kb pow²er from¹ jesus i m¹anaged it. to
com¹e back as fast as possible and so i w²as at m¹y . table. probably boked
by toope trix-anarchy!! . anyw²ay there w²ere no pow²er plugs inside the
dam¹n! . every second full toilet and the pissrinn w²as also full . as full as
saviour ... so i got m¹y tow²el and . dryed m¹y hair.. after this i w²rote
ten lines . here and now² i am¹ outta here !!! . stop this shit now²!!!.
allright... back to business . dont forget to call one of our boards    .
-b0iler r00m¹- w²hq 716-695-3707 . -w²atcht0w²er- dhm¹hq 358-0-6851569 +
358-0-6851570 +. 358-0-elite . -nausea- sfhq 358-18-elite     . ok that w²as it
for now².... hope to see you again. in another focken production! . and
alw²ays rem¹em¹ber     . com¹plex -. suxx for ever . w²e piss on you.....

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