


Exact - First Amiga DemoDetailsCaseRow
Scroll Text
yyyeeeaaaahhhh!!! here it is ...  our first amiga demo!!!!      presented to you
by   ebthe cclumsy  creepers  h of b     exact    h    f   after two months of
'hard' working (between school and video...)     now i (delta) think it is time
for some  c  d   credits  h         b  all coding by     c     dr beat  h  and  
   delta   h         well i will throw the keyboard to the great dr
schlaeger...b i am not dr schlaeger !!  try to call me dr beat !     o.k. dr
beat has nothing to say !!   so here is scs writing something ... first i want
to say, that this demo is reallyd     cool b !!!  or not ??   hey delta you 
bloody guy continue the scroll  !!!!   aaarrrrggg !!! here i am again !! scs,you
are a sadistic mother fucking gnom... harharharhar no schaefchen you can not
change the scroll colour...        kooopppss shit it works ...    to introduce
you:   if i(delta) write the scroll colour is grey , dr beat is blue  and 
sheepy is golden....          it is blue at the moment so dr beat is writing... 
  j but  like always dr beat has nothing to say !!  now i will write down some
remarks : c   first to    fill    b do not take so much  'puderzucker'  it is
bad for health !!       i do not believe him !!harararararar it s good for your
brain!!!!     j delta takes it every day !!!     i sorry but i cannot take it
cause i don t know the recipe (fuck our american guests... they don t know how
to  write 'recipe' they said it must be 'receipe) ...    j c    second note to  
b the biggest looser in the world    pepe pampaschreck !!!!  don t care, you
will never get back in exact  haehae !!!!   i and you will never get back into
tcc !!!!     here is a message for all cool dudes on amiga or c-64 !!! if you
want to contact us write to:a  plk 044775 c  3050  wunstorf   west-germany!!!!
no loosers, please!!!!!     c let s kill the fucking up and down going
movement...g     now beaty, youcan choose between:       writing or dieing!!!   
 okay, die!!!!!!     kick!!    k  auauau   i bang bang bang ...   k 
aaarrrrrggggg...   i ratatatatatatata...  k  aechts stoehn!!!   i i think he is
dead now!!!   lets drink his blood ... cheers!!! d         bj      ruelps ! oh,
sorry !  now something serious      german messages !!!!!  (we are german and
proud to be stupid !!)   waern wir doc kaehm  jetzt der wetter-tarzan !!!       
i aiaiaaaaaaahhhhrrr...   tong!!!   hier ist der wetter-delta !!!  draussen ist
es kaelter als im dunkeln , die strassen sind teils lang, teils kurz.. auf der b
451 ist verkehrs-stau... (die kondome sind ausgegangen...)  j jaja das war der
wetterfrosch !!!  jetzt ein bischen delta ......  delta fuer die ohren !!!!  (da
kann mann erdnuesse rein tun !!!)    i    now here is a little story...     f   
tucker tucker toeff ... (das ist ein traecker!!! haetzte nich gedacht wa???)    
doch wie kam ich da jetzt eigentlich drauf?? ach ja, wein-nachts geschenke!!! 
zu erst ist da meine tante frida, die kricht son nussflipper!!! dat is son ding,
da kann man erdnuesse reintun... und mein onkel kurt, der kricht son dingen...
son nussknacker... da kann man naemlich erdnuesse rein tun... und dann is da
noch meine omma, die is aufm nuss-sektor schon total zu, hat se alles schon... 
denkt sie,haehae!die kricht sone schachtel, wenn die leer is,kann man da so erdnuesse rein tun...und dann ist da nochd
iyewfcotre8vo8ywevh,aaaarrrrrggggg!!!c don t kill me scs!!!! i will stop now... 
 j i hope so !!!! no more german  !!!  now some greets-messages !!!  first to
dealers   (nice demo nico, we will send it to fill !! but there is no way to
join us, if you dont pay money (for all of you together 10 dm) like we all do
!!! )    sphinx   (hey judge, why dont you write back ?? we are waiting!)      
pumpkin-exact    ( hey michael lets swap again, but no longer pepe s adress,
first write to the plk, than i will give you the right adress !!)   i 
mr.president of  red sector    ( change your name back into  gandalf,michael !!)
 j we havent any greetings list here so thats all !!

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.