


Exact - Cebit 89DetailsCaseRow
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oohhh!!! this demo seems to be too simple... bfor heaven's sake!!! where are
those stars??? s cthat looks better now... bbut what isu this???  ci'll check
the routine... s  t  s  t  u  s  u  t  u  s  t okay! what about some bumping
chars... v2    no!! i said 'chars'!!! v1   wow!! great!!    hey guyz i feel like
bumping!! f     $exact$  ro     presents  r      cebit'89   r     n g    time
and ideas were lost so this is just one part from our first &megademo& which
comes soon ... tomorrow??  j  next week??  next month??  next year??  next
century... next v4 ...(...(...    s   i and now ... some credits:    all coding
done by delta % a little bit by dr beath   v3   all grafix done by delta!!!     
 this great music you listen to was composed and arranged by scs !!!     thanx
for the speech to our 'bund is ganz leer' helmut the kohl... shit!!! sorry birne
i know inglisch is diffikult for yuu!!! but you can say you to me!!!     k 
ljust a little instruction... the name of the guy who writes bullshit you can
see  upstairs ... no i ment at the top!!!!!  turning to big again: m h  hope it
has worked !!! v5    here is a message to fill:   i think exact will never die
even without tcc!!! so i wish you and all the other exact members a nice time
and a great future!!!! i hope that you understand why we left you... the
following text is a bit older. at last friday we didn't know that we would join
rsi!!!   today it's monday.....      here comes a message to all our contacts:
please greet us as tcc of red sector !!! now the old text....     v8   delta
searches a book in his cellar ... i think he's ) !?! n now      s he  t is  s
coming t back s again t but without the book f ! oh . what's that ? delta and
scs went out of the room to get a .... g bitburger ??? to get a bigburger?? no ,
to phone fill !! o no . don't get  scared shitless . he isn't so mad he seems to
be ! n see you later aligator !! bye    v6   look at the top   right here's scs 
there have been some rumors about joiningf        red sector  r      g  and this
is true!!! so this is the last amiga$demo written by tcc for exact!!!  today we 
(the whole # team( are sitting here at  delta's place  !! v5  so here comes  
freddy!!! noooo!! here is the ruling part of tcc ... the arrogant dulta!!!  now
here is a message to the mistery ipf which you should know from 'shadowfire'
scheiss schleichwerbung... now the message: i hope not to meet you on the cebit
but if i met you this means your death!!!   another message to all the other
cli$loosers: please contact us for getting a new killer-virus which destroys
everything... it's called )the advantage tcc rom/killer) ...  f contact rsi at: 
  e plk 044775c  3050 wansdorf west$germany !!!     b oh!!?? you didn't get it
???    slow again... a  t  plk 044775c  3050 wunstorf 1  west-germany  v7 c
switching to dr c ...  o ohhhhh ahhhhhh aeaeae her e sorry hr more sorry here is
doctor c as you know.and my message is that i dont know what to write is going to put something in my ear ...dput it away ..cdelta you i want to tell a litle story .....the story is true ...i ist ein dummer sack und der evil
auch............................ich auch...the story has ended !!!
harharharhar............har . so you see that i only write shit.... . .
.sorry.arghhhh brghh cgrhh sorry i had been killed for a long time !!! see ya
next time with heads +++ + ++ +

Disclaimer: Texts are presented here in their original form, control chars and all, with no edits or censorship. All texts have been already been voluntarely released to the public as a part of the demos. That said, if a text seen here contains information about you personally that you don't wish to be visible, contact me and I will remove it from the website.