
Released in 1989-01


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50 Results (1-50 of 72): Released in 1989-01 (Calendar View)
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
(independent) Mechanic - Demo 1 Demo 1989-01 e Y ks1.2 4a7c9292 15593
Agents Superman Cracktro 1989-01 e Y Tag  e3850e80 13247
Alpha Flight Compacted Disk 135 Pack 1989-01-04 d 8227739b 12682
Alpha Flight Cracker Journal 12 Mag 1989-01-30 d cf5b8b8e 14231
Amiga Industries Good Bye 1988 Intro 1989-01-13 e Y P 0.5mb 3c2edab7 2387
Amiga Industries Vektor Demo Demo 1989-01-13 e Y P  ed5a7d73 2386
The Amiga Superiors Demo Disc 09.2 Pack 1989-01-24 d Y Co E Cr  4b958ebb 15736
The Amiga Superiors Meeting Demo 1989-01 e Y ocs aab7fc5b 15721
Antrax Cooperation Intro Intro 1989-01 e Y coop with Escape & Highspeed aa872d22 12132
Atomic Intelligence X-Small Intro Intro 1989-01 e Y Cr  3fe1f38d 15594
Atomic Team Megabyte's Demo Demo 1989-01-08 e Y c942b81d 2689
BOF Hattrick Soundmix v1.3 Musicdisk 1989-01-05 d Y 0.5mb 6ef5f91c 15559
The Castaways Flower Power Intro 1989-01-29 e Y P  8914
The Cats Snake Pit Cracktro 1989-01 e Y coop with SNT 13bfa852 15217
Chaos Cooperation Plasma Demo Demo 1989-01-10 e Y 6460
Cosmos New Year Demo 1989-01-08 e Y b1496870 16824
Crack Band Crew Heroes of the Lance Cracktro 1989-01 e Y Txt  d11fe6b1 13844
Crusaders Nu Power Musicdisk 1989-01 d Y ocs 528c9e7d 1402
Cryptoburners Great Muzaxs 04 Musicdisk 1989-01-10 d Y 06eae98e 1379
Cure Intro Collection 02 Pack 1989-01-26 d Y Co  0cf9a742 15758
D-Tect Music-Steve's Megatrax Musicdisk 1989-01 d Y 65b50ec6 1572
D-Tect Strike Back Intro 1989-01 e Y ocs 68af50c5 10965
Deathstar Megademo Megademo 1989-01-24 2d Y Cr Tag  9700d5fd
Destiny & Zigag Audio Power 2 Intro Intro 1989-01 e Y Cr Txt Tag  b6f0d848 14421
Double Density Crew Escape Party Intro Intro 1989-01-29 e Y P ocs 1950
Energy First Selfmade Demo 1989-01-16 e Y ec494223 15759
Epsilon Designs Flu Demo 1989-01-12 e Y part of Nervous Breakdown 8f4fd1ff 14591
Epsilon Designs Nervous Breakdown Megademo 1989-01-12 d Y 3635
Epsilon Designs Welcome Demo 1989-01-12 e Y part of Nervous Breakdown e8783885 14589
The Errors First Intro 1989-01-16 e Y ae8a3b84 15595
ESA Demodisk 03 Pack 1989-01-30 d Y Co  620f7cf5 15432
Escape Born Intro 1989-01-01 e Y 42c957ef 3690
Escape Copy Party Demo Demo 1989-01-29 e Y P  3ed1d7df 3692
Escape The HiFi Mixer Demo 1989-01-22 e Y 41650c46 3694
Escape Outlaws First Demo 1989-01 e Y 0.5mb c38357a6 15534
Fairlight Purple Saturn Day Cracktro 1989-01-24 e Y Cr Txt coop with North Star 8814
Finnish Bit Wizards RipperDOS v1.0 Utility 1989-01 e Y aa9d0f73 13913
Finnish Bit Wizards Stripper v1.1 Utility 1989-01-05 e Y Txt  3285a020 13912
Freestyle UK Power Intro Intro 1989-01-07 e Y P  3970
Headwave Guru Maker v1.0 Utility 1989-01-03 e Y c6d0e59b 9252
Horizon Another Demo 1989-01 e Y ocs 4fd954fc 4202
Horizon Rack Pack 05 Pack 1989-01-24 d Y Co  d0106ffe 15570
Invisible Crime High-Technology Production Intro 1989-01-16 e Y c55c6a47 11229
Iris 3Z Demo Preview Demo 1989-01-17 e Y face39d5 4389
It Diskit 09 Pack 1989-01-24 d Y Co  b7a0be67 15591
Mad Monks Party Invitation Intro 1989-01 e Y coop with Sunriders & Thrust b3d7c0a4 15737
Magnificent Force Teenage Queen Cracktro 1989-01-07 e Y P coop with Joy & CPU 2867defc 15573
Neutron Dance IRQ Killer v0.9 Utility 1989-01 e 11a89d27 15571
North Star Exceller8 02 Mag 1989-01 d Y coop with Fairlight, 0.5mb 952e66c2 5421
North Star Exceller8 02 Intro Intro 1989-01 e 59cc8864 9753
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