
Released in 1992-12


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50 Results (1-50 of 207): Released in 1992-12 (Calendar View)
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
(independent) Skunk - Hi-Tech Party Skunktro Intro 1992-12-13 e Y P  7744e0ff 10429
(independent) Werewolf - Howling Demo 1992-12-13 e Y P  115e09f6 13062
2000AD Anti Analorgy Intro 1992-12-13 e Y P Tag  b6c522f1 8638
Absolute! Bash 3 Advertisement Intro 1992-12 e Y P  87a7dc31 2092
Abyss Mona Lisa Was a Man Demo 1992-12-29 e Y P  158a8058 2105
Accession AmiBack v2.0f.1 Cracktro 1992-12-26 e Y Cr  e5bcf2f3 13235
Acrid Phon-O-Bomb 3 Musicdisk 1992-12-29 2d Y P  e70f47cf
Addonic Message Center 08 Mag 1992-12-14 d Y 63be207f 15103
Adict Mayday Resistance Demo 1992-12-29 e Y P  6e5a3235 2269
Alcatraz Crunch-O-Matic Intro 1992-12-29 e Y P  35e2ea57 2283
Alcatraz IFF Converter v1.35 Utility 1992-12 e Y 70dcf12a 9237
Alpha Flight Move Your Body Intro 1992-12 e Y Cr  d990ebad 9318
Alpha Flight Psycho Demon Intro Intro 1992-12-02 e Y Cr  833791dc 13052
Amnesia Jimmy James 05 Pack 1992-12 d Y Co  2959a398 16193
Amnesia Jimmy James 13 Pack 1992-12-29 d Y P Co  913849ee 9975
Anarchy 3D Demo 2 Intro Intro 1992-12-29 d Y P Cr  3507d1ec 11343
Anarchy 3D Demo 2 v2.01 Demo 1992-12-29 d Y P Cr Tag  d81f470b 11
Anarchy Lost Andromedeans Intro 1992-12-29 e Y P Cr  dddc6fce 2428
Anarchy Stolen Data 10 Mag 1992-12-26 2d Y P  e1d31603
Andromeda Mirror Musicdisk 1992-12-28 2d Y P  8393b430
Angelica Coke Zone 07 Pack 1992-12-29 d Y P Co  f2a5d014 1156
Animators BBS Dentro Demo 1992-12 e Y b9ecc82d 2525
Applause Thing Preview Intro Intro 1992-12 e Y 5deea626 12230
Arise Sorry for No Pizza Demo 1992-12-13 e Y 6afa4f9b 2656
Artwork Xmas Pack Pack 1992-12 d Y P Co  a14b5b4f 10623
Asylum Advertintro Intro 1992-12-09 e Y 6deadb78 13060
Atomic Borntro Intro 1992-12-29 e Y P Tag  db0f7a86 13130
Aurora Lost in Denmark Demo 1992-12-29 e Y P  583ed008 2703
Backlash Flashback +3 Trainer 1992-12-08 e Y 44449528 15160
Badcat Partytro Intro 1992-12-29 e Y P  9e6103d5 2774
Badcat Space Tour Slideshow 1992-12-20 e Y coop with Drifters 725486f8 2773
Balance Lost World Trackmo 1992-12-29 d Y P  9a4b60aa 1211
Beyond The Column Intro 1992-12-03 e Y f40c90a1 2832
Bidon Dezign Preview Intro 1992-12-29 e Y P Tag  4d2825b2 13137
Blue Crystal Hi-Tech Party Intro Intro 1992-12-13 e Y P  c7379592 8773
Boyut-4 Born Intro 1992-12 e Y fecde42b 10327
Bronx Auschwitz 04 Pack 1992-12 d Y Co  5a1d8503 10324
Brutal First Intro 1992-12 e Y b25185dc 16209
Calibra A Fish Called Sel Demo 1992-12-06 e Y 3052
Carillon Love and Anarchy Trackmo 1992-12-19 d Y Cr Tag ocs 8b8b9e79 1316
Carillon Return of the Son of the Monster Magnet Intro 1992-12-29 e Y P Cr Tag  c34f14d4 3060
Chrome Hi-Tech Party Intro Intro 1992-12-13 e Y P Tag 1mb chip 610a3cb9 1328
Chrome Stigmata 34 Pack 1992-12-13 d P Co Cr  d6186a33 42
Compact Inc Space Intro Intro 1992-12-29 e Y P Tag  e1503512 3215
Complex Compo Intro Intro 1992-12-29 e Y P Cr  e029e48e 3233
Complex Hi-Tech Party Intro Intro 1992-12-13 e Y P Cr Txt  072c1abf 3237
Complex Puuro Intro 1992-12-29 e Y P Cr Txt Tag  d8178cac 3244
Crystal AV8B Harrier Assault Cracktro 1992-12-04 e Y by Melon Dezign 66a93a76 11162
Crystal Goblins 2 Cracktro 1992-12-11 e Y by Melon Dezign 57501521 14184
Crystal Joe & Mac Cracktro 1992-12-05 e Y by Melon Dezign 14efda42 11112
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