
Released on 1991-12-19


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5 Results: Released on 1991-12-19 (Calendar View)
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
Alpha Flight The Ghetto BBS Intro Intro 1991-12-19 e Y 2a52cae0 9696
Crystal Mercenary 3 Cracktro 1991-12-19 e Y Tag by Melon Dezign b6a46ef9 13207
Men of Science Strange Behaviour Demo 1991-12-19 e Y 2a4e3999 9600
Plague Magic Pack 058 Pack 1991-12-19 d Co Cr  a3e0c19c 10773
Plague Reverse Time Demo 1991-12-19 e Y Cr  118d2ea7 5925