
Group: Master Crew


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23 Releases: Master Crew (Screenshots Screenshots)
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
Master Crew Elimination Joined Demo 1989 e Y Cr Txt Tag  0fd5b0c8 15579
Master Crew Fundamental Collection 24 Pack 1989 d Y d3555108 731
Master Crew Fundamental Collection 25 Pack 1989 d b6c0eda4 736
Master Crew Fundamental Collection 28 Pack 1989 d 6b20cdf9 737
Master Crew Fundamental Collection 31 Pack 1989 d 02199d00 732
Master Crew Fundamental Collection 33 Pack 1989 d E  cfefed24 733
Master Crew Fundamental Collection 50 Pack 1989 d Y a8b79d33 735
Master Crew Fundamental Collection 50 Intro Intro 1989 e Y d423391f 11760
Master Crew New Intro Intro 1989 e Y Txt Tag coop with Elimination, ks1.2 / 0.5mb 524e135e 5061
Master Crew New Pack 03 Pack 1989 d Y Co Cr coop with Elimination 04521113 3583
Master Crew Samantha Fox Digi-Mix 1 Slideshow 1989 d Y Tag  a4017cf1 14106
Master Crew Sea Demo Demo 1989 a Y 0.5mb n/a 11765
Master Crew Sine Again Intro 1989 e Y 442e210e 17682
Master Crew Fundamental Collection 40 Pack 1989-08 d Y 570835a3 734
Master Crew Another New Production Intro 1989-10 e Y Txt Tag ks1.2 / 0.5mb 5f64afa2 9474
Master Crew Zombie's First Demo 1989-12 e Y 0.5mb, needs 80 character mode 73e7ea07 11764
Master Crew New Great Demo Demo 1990 e Y ks1.2 d70470be 10034
Master Crew Shield Meeting Intro Intro 1990 e Y Txt Tag  3bd9aa73 15545
Master Crew Some Shit Intro 1990 e Y 6df5701c 11691
Master Crew Vector Demo Demo 1990 e Y 62f324f7 12624
Master Crew Fundamental Collection 63 Pack 1990-02 d Y Co  ed890629 14413
Master Crew Fundamental Collection 65 Pack 1990-03 d Co  940a8e1e 14417
Master Crew Fundamental Collection 66 Pack 1990-04 d Co  d38a0d87 15610