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63 Releases: Updated on 2015-01-25
Group Title Type Date Frm Png Info CRC32 ID
Awesome Abyss Spreadtro Intro 1991 e Y 1ae8429c 2736
Awesome AmiExpo 91 Cologne Intro Intro 1991-11-03 e Y P  97df36b3 2732
Awesome BBS Commercial Demo 1992-03 e Y 85ff3ce1 2735
Awesome BBS Intro Intro 1992-03 e Y a27d9ef0 2726
Awesome C64 Tunes Wanted Intro 1992-05 e Y 77a2e3bf 2727
Awesome Criminally Insane 09 Pack 1991-05-22 d Y P Co  f788a5aa 1203
Awesome Don't Loose Your Short Intro 1991-07 e Y 552c0ed9 2724
Awesome The End Intro 1992 e Y Tag  8eecf85c 2728
Awesome The Final Cut Demo 1992-04-18 e Y P Tag  2c147d63 2737
Awesome Gintro Intro 1992-02 e Y 44eddd79 2729
Awesome Hello Intro (Awesome Is Here) Intro 1991 e Y Tag  2807746d 2730
Awesome Join Us Intro 1992 e Y 42c49f03 2731
Awesome Lethal Xcess +4 Trainer 1991-12-07 e Y fc1faf97 10389
Awesome Maximum Pleasure Party Demo Demo 1991-05-19 e Y P  c4d2d6a6 2733
Awesome Meeting Intro Intro   e Y coop with LSD bda01c4d 2725
Awesome Plasmaflex Intro 1991 e Y Tag  68c1d275 2734
Awesome Turtle Smasher v1.3 Utility 1992-04-10 a Y n/a 12001
Awesome Turtle Smasher v1.3 Intro Intro 1992-04-10 e Y 7e2b75a7 2738
Cabe Battlescroll Demo 1990-01-07 e Y P  1f360019 3048
Cabe Beast Intro Intro 1990-02 e Y 1b380489 3045
Cabe Bitch Intro Intro 1989 e Y 248535f7 3046
Cabe Internal Party Intro Intro 1990-02-11 e Y 826dc6f3 3050
Cabe New Stuff Intro Intro 1989-12 e Y e9b1d35e 11606
Cabe Rainbow Islands Intro Intro 1990 e Y c2b57624 3047
Cabe Scroller Test Intro 1989 e Y f23f7483 3049
Spaceballs 10 Best Tunes from Gathering 1992 Musicdisk 1992-04-19 3d Y P  03538d07
Spaceballs As Silly as We Wanna Be Demo 1992-12-29 e Y P  472b0df1 7222
Spaceballs Defender's Party Demo Demo 1990-12-29 e Y P  f045316b 7231
Spaceballs Dotro Intro 1993-07-20 e Y 63ee210a 7232
Spaceballs Gathering 1995 Invitation Intro 1995 e Y P A  6bdad981 7247
Spaceballs Jobbo Intro 1995-04-15 e Y P A  642136db 7243
Spaceballs Jointro Intro 1992 e Y 21df6817 7223
Spaceballs Kill Your Mouse Game 1992-04 e Y e7e11742 9436
Spaceballs The Last Finger Intro 1995-04-15 e Y P A  b7ad1598 7246
Spaceballs Lost in Otaniemi Intro 2003-08-02 e Y 0e0f0d61 7506
Spaceballs Memtro Intro 1992-10 e Y Cr  dcdf7def 7233
Spaceballs Mobile Destination Unknown Trackmo 1993-04-10 d Y P  98113a53 368
Spaceballs Multi Demo 1 Demo 1990-12-29 e Y P  996e433f 7230
Spaceballs Nine Fingers Trackmo 1993-12-29 2d Y P  73d75f4d
Spaceballs Pack Preview Intro 1992 e Y bd91b431 7234
Spaceballs Popjunkie Intro 1999 e Y A 8mb fast 1f94afcc 7244
Spaceballs RAW 05 Mag 1993-04-23 d Y 446125f6 351
Spaceballs RAW 05 Intro Intro 1993-04-23 e Y dad7d7de 12304
Spaceballs RAW 06 Mag 1993-12-15 d Y 45ad2ac3 7224
Spaceballs RAW 07 Mag 1995-02-14 d Y cc087d6f 7225
Spaceballs RAW 08 Mag 1995-05-24 2d Y coop with Virtual Dreams 97636124
Spaceballs RAW 09 Mag 1995-11-01 d Y coop with Virtual Dreams f0f31b18 7227
Spaceballs RGB Demo 1990-12-29 e Y P  086701ca 7229
Spaceballs Rubber Members Intro 1991-12-28 e Y P  212f810f 7235
Spaceballs Sci-Fi Intro 1999 e Y A 8mb fast 2af36c45 7245
Spaceballs Shit Happens 01 Pack 1991 d Y Co  bdbdf7d1 15712
Spaceballs Shit Happens 02 Pack 1991 d Y 9d92e01f 995
Spaceballs Shit Happens 06 Pack 1991-12 d Co  22292795 17137
Spaceballs Shit Happens 17 Pack 1992 d dfb1678b 996
Spaceballs Silence Intro 1995 e Y ce007dcf 7239
Spaceballs Somewhere in Holland 95 Invitation Intro 1995 e Y A coop with Reality dd329741 7241
Spaceballs Spasmolytic Trackmo 1991-06-30 d Y P  1b68dcb1 7237
Spaceballs Spintro Intro 1991-11 e Y Cr  1ee1f9e8 7236
Spaceballs State of the Art Trackmo 1992-12-29 d Y P 1mb chip a6dd834f 369
Spaceballs SuperNao Tapes Musicdisk 1994-06-12 d Cr Tag  eab06455 13752
Spaceballs The Party 1992 Music Musicdisk 1993 d Y P Tag  a09d594d 13693
Spaceballs Wayfarer Trackmo 1992-04-19 d Y P  b910b1c1 7238
Spaceballs We Are Alternative Intro 1994 d Y A  ba54b50f 7240
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